Chaitawat Sa-Ngamuang

Doctoral Researcher
ICT Building, Mahidol University
999 Phuttamonthon 4 Road, Salaya 
Nakhonpathom 73170, Thailand

Malaria has been recognized as one of the deadliest diseases worldwide, and its history goes back more than decades. The world concerns and attempts to address the disease by the global elimination project for years. However, the current state is still distant away to achieve the goal. This complication is due to human mobility as we also act as malaria carriers besides mosquitoes. Basically, we transmit malaria to other mosquitoes and other people in low transmission areas, subsequently. This fact prevents malaria from elimination.

My research aims to demonstrate the importance and to utilize the human mobility in several aspects. The project includes calculating the individual risk profile based on different places and time, searching for the significant pattern of movement and its relationship to demographics data. Since the relationship still lacks well-clarification, the result is expected to fill the gaps by adding the human mobility to malaria prediction frameworks.

Project: Human mobility and malaria transmission